Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Question: "Who Invaded Computers in the 21st Century?" Answer: "Moop"

The London Times reported that police in the United Kingdom and Finland arrested three men in their homes this morning, in connection with an alleged conspiracy involving the writing and distribution of computer viruses. The men - reportedly a 63-year-old man from England, a 28-year-old man from Scotland, and a 19-year-old man from Finland - allegedly creating Trojans attached to spam that set up back doors to infected systems. Authorities believe that thousands of systems in the United Kingdom and other countries were infected with the virus, known as Ryknos, Breplibot or Stinkx, to create a zombie network.

According to a detective constable with the London Metropolitan Police Computer Crime Unit, the men allegedly coordinated their activities through a forum that they named "Moop." [Note: Although the Times ascribes the name to the garage band of South Park characters, Urban Dictionary lists no fewer than 32 definitions for "Moop."] The men were reportedly being interviewed by police on suspicion of conspiracy to commit unauthorised modification of computer material, in violation of the United Kingdom's 1992 Computer Security Act.


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